This document is created for the following purpose:
- Bring clarity to the position and use of Slack as a messaging tool within the Semco Style
collaboration space.
- Enable and support the team in streamlining communication using Slack as a tool.
Slack is an interactive tool that enables quick, collaborative exchange of information using channels and direct messaging. There is enormous scope for transparency and engagement within the community. Within Semco Style Institute, Slack is used for the following purposes:
- Synchronous and asynchronous communications platform to discuss topics, and sometimes,
to document decisions.
- It is an interactive platform to share information, to do quick voice huddles, to take poll-based
decisions, and to co-create on projects using private channels.
- Integration with other tools such as Sharepoint, Miro, Outlook, etc. allows for easy connection.
- You can download ‘app integrations’ on Slack to connect tools where needed.
Rule of thumb / general guidelines
Within Semco Style Institute, we have decided to “use SLACK unless…” as a medium of communication within the company, except in some cases where a synchronous and verbal or face-to-face interaction is deemed necessary. Quick verbal discussions can take place via Slack Huddles as well.
Best practices